
The Flat Earthers' Expose Their Lunacy With Latest Hidden Land Map

Though Flat Earthers may (incorrectly) proclaim that our planet is entirely flat, their imaginations are anything but.


Though Flat Earthers may (incorrectly) proclaim that our planet is entirely flat, their imaginations are anything but.

A map depicting how some Flat Earthers view our definitely-not-disc-shaped planet began making the rounds this week, showing that, to them at least, the world is but a fantasy novel with an “Abyssal Ocean,” several unreachable continents and something called “The Scorched Wastes,” whatever that means to Aristotle’s remaining skeptics.

Despite eliciting scoffs from fiction writers  — “They just took a few Gods’ names and threw them onto distorted and stretched copy-pastes of continents,” CBR contributor @AGramuglia joked — others were thoroughly impressed with Flat Earth’s very deep and very scientifically incorrect lore.

“Wait, there’s little cracks in the ice wall to allow ships to get through? Thank God for global warming???” wrote @JFG0995, referencing the thin, icy membranes separating our world from the rest of flat Earth.

“how tf does Earth have DLC now,” joked @VedhanXeno

Meanwhile, some science-minded folks were legitimately intrigued by this illustration, several likening it to a deranged version of Westeros from Game of Thrones.

“flat earthers are dumb as heII but this map would make a fіre tv show,” speculated @kirawontmiss.

“Why can’t this be some weird RPG already,” asked @ChugMySox.

We can only hope this map — and the Flat-Earth movement as a whole — are just guerilla marketing campaigns for a disc-world-themed fantasy novel. George R.R Martin, you’ve got some competition. 

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